Monday, July 28, 2008

Wrongly attributed to Privatisation Board

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Wrongly attributed to Privatisation Board

Posted By Stabroek News On July 28, 2008 @ 5:08 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,
As a result of an error in the reproduction of Business Page in yesterday’s Sunday Stabroek, the third para-graph misplaced the title of the Paper prepared and circulated by Mr. Winston Brassington, Executive Head of the Privatisation Unit and wrongly attributed to the Privatisation Board the rush to enter into an agreement with QAII. The relevant portion of the paragraph should have read:

“……the role of the Privatisation Unit (PU) headed by Mr. Winston Brassington has been seriously exposed by a document I received earlier this week titled PRIVATISATION BOARD/ CABINET SUBMISSION dated May 3, 2007.

It is clear from that document that Mr. Brassington was prepared to rush the Privatisation Board - which includes Ministers Robert Persaud and Manniram Prashad - into an agreement with QAII …..”.

I note as well in the same edition a letter captioned ‘Guyana Times is not published by Global Printing and Graphics Inc.’ appeared in which there are several references to me which are not only mis-informed but are libellous. l will address this matter separately.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Ram
Business Page Columnist

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